Fei Long Zai Tian [飞龙在天 - 江宏恩&黄少祺&贾静雯&张凤书] 歌词 Lyrics, Pinyin, and English Translation

飞龙在天 (Fei Long Zai Tian)

演唱 (Singer): 江宏恩&黄少祺&贾静雯&张凤书
作词 (Lyricist): 李克明/陈维祥
作曲 (Songwriter): 黄明洲/陈维祥

Simplified / Traditional Align Paragraph

人在江湖 身不由已
人生在世 只有两字
一字情 一字义

你的手 亲像阮的天
阮的爱 只乎一个你
咱的心 永远 永远袂分开



手牵手 心逗阵
lin zài kang o sim bu yu yi
lin sing zài sei ji wu neng di
jit di cing, jit di gi

di e qiu, qin qiunn gun e thinn
gun e ai ji ho ji geh di
lan e sim ying guan ying guan bue hun kui

ho lam li em kia chut sing te
lam zu han ji zai chut thao thinn

lan e en jin sei tiu chut diann
lan e ai kin sing lái uan sing

chiu kan chiu, sim dau din
pa ak ho si ki
qin qiunn hui liong pue qiunn thinn
In the world, one can't act independently
There are only two words in this life
one is "love", one is "righteous"

Your hands are like my sky
My love is only for you
Our hearts will never be separated forever

A fine man is not afraid of humble background
Man's aspiration is to become success/achieve something

Our fate is destined in previous lives
Our love will be fulfilled in this life

Hand in hand and heart in heart
Seize the opportunity
Just like a dragon flying in the sky
